What’s Up With Meghan Markle’s Sister?

Lauren LeMunyan
2 min readMay 16, 2018


A Case Study of The Royal Wedding Using Core Energy Coaching

This weekend marks The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, but unlike the sweet and sophisticated affair of Prince William and Kate, this event feels like a cross between Maury and The Real World — two of my favorites!

Is this the American way? Is the stereotype of Americans being loud and opinionated true?? Are we doomed to be loathed and judged by the rest of the world???

Nah! This is the case of Level 2 Attention Seeking Behavior.

In Level 2, individuals love to be right and make everyone else wrong. They feed off of drama, conflict, anger and judgment. They’re like Pac Man eating that shit up.

So when you observe the behavior of Meghan Markle’s sister, who apparently just changed her last name back to “Markle”, you can see her light up when she has the opportunity to speak her mind. The drama swirls around her attracts in like a magnet. The tabloids and news outlets are like moth to a flame.

Why? Because they’re readers and viewers are also loving the Level 2 energy. They eat up “celebrity” gossip, rumors and storytelling and use it as currency and social value in their own circle and environment. See like energy attracts like energy and Level 2 is one of the most powerful energies to try to shift.

Speaking of shifting, poor Meghan Markle doesn’t stand a chance in resolving the situation as a Level 4 caregiver. “How can I appease everyone? How do I solve this craziness?” She’s probably stressed to high heaven trying to chill out the Level 2 peeps in her life, but Level 4 will become depleted and exhausted trying to care for other’s emotions — ultimately leading to a Level 1 check out.

Level 1 takes on The Victim role where life keeps happening to them. This level also calls in other Level 4 energy to take care of them — i.e. The Royal Family. Level 2 also can sense when Level 4 has been knocked down to Level 1 and sees it as reinforcement to keep doing what they’re doing.

So, what’s the solution?

1) Disengage from Level 2 energies. Walk away and leave them where they are.

2) Collect the facts and step out of the emotional story — you cannot fix people

3) Take care of yourself. When you’re tired and not feeling well, your positive energy is more challenging to maintain.

4) Let the big dogs take care of it.

Even though this may seem like an abnormal scenario, I see this dynamic play out all the time in business, relationships and family. Where do you see it show up?

Core Energy Levels is a trademarked intellectual property of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. Lauren LeMunyan PCC is an Energy Level Index Master Practitioner. www.laurenlemunyan.com

